Greg G.


B.A. in English, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN; one quarter Clinical Pastoral Education, Fairview-Southdale Hospital, Edina, MN; M.Div., Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN; two semesters of graduate study in Old Testament, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN; four quarters of Clinical Pastoral Education, Hazelden, Center City, MN.

Work Experience:

Parish Pastor, Faith Lutheran Church, Maskell, NE and Congregational United Church of Christ, Newcastle, NE; Family Counselor, Hazelden Family Program, Center City, MN; Chemical Dependency Chaplain, Project Turnabout, Granite Falls, MN; Parish Pastor, Jevnaker and Mandt Lutheran Churches, Montevideo, MN.


Getting Rid of Resentment; Prayer and Meditation: A Twelve Step Guide; Compulsive Gambling and Chemical Dependency: Similarities and Unique Characteristics.