- Going forward: Every Thursday, 6:30-8:00 p.m. (CDT)
Virtual Family Support Group - Thursdays
While the link to join is below, you can also have one emailed to you, click here to register and receive a link to your email.
The weekly Thursday Virtual Family Support Group is intended to support families of those struggling with substance use disorders. Each group will include a participant check in, and an opportunity for interactive discussion around how families are impacted, and the skills needed for healing. The link to join the support group is below, there is no need to register for this program.
What to expect:
Participants will be encouraged to check in about the weekly proposed topic. You are encouraged to support others in the group. The facilitator will offer support, insights and feedback. Please know that the information offered in this group is foundational and if you need additional and more individualized support, we encourage you to check out Family Coaching or Workshop Series or Parenting Workshops
Please ensure that you have a device with microphone and video capabilities in order to participate fully in this group, while video participation is not required it is requested in order to foster connection and discussion amongst the participants. Having a device/computer with a camera and microphone access will ensure the best experience.
Please click here to view the Terms and Conditions for Participating. In joining this program, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. Including confidentiality and limitations to that.
Help Support
Currently, we are able to offer our Tuesday and Thursday Support Groups at no charge. We are able to do this due to generous donations. If you like to help us continue to sustain this important support group and would like to donate, please follow this link here.
Virtual Format and Meeting Link:
Microsoft teams as it's virtual meeting platform. You do not need to download the app; however, you are welcome to do so from your devices app store or go here. When you download the app you will need to allow it to have access to your camera and mic on your device for them to work. You can do that in the app settings.
Join the meeting at the start time (start time listed in all time zones: 4:30 pm PST; 5:30 pm MST; 6:30 pm CST, 7:30 pm EST):
For questions, email us at
Your facilitators are all part of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation's Family Services Team. |