Connie Dawson

Connie Dawson is a therapist who uses an attachment-oriented perspective in her work with adoptees and adoptive families. She sees clients at the Attachment Center Northwest in Kirkland, Washington, a facility which specializes in the treatment of children who are adopted following their first parents' failure to parent adequately, including many who are adopted internationally. She also does adoption coaching, consults with agencies and treatment facilities, presents workshops, and teaches for several universities.
She was a member of the Counselor Education faculty at Portland State for five years and is co-author with Jean Illsley Clarke of Growing Up Again: Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children. Early in her career, she taught fifth and sixth grade and was a member of the consultation and training department of The Johnson Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Books
Growing Up Again Second Edition
Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children
Paperback, 336 pp.