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The complete Hazelden Lifelines® Trilogy is a unique collection of three programs that address the important topic of youth suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. It includes today's best practices and topics and language to reflect today's youth culture.

Lifelines® Prevention: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide
This program uses language to reflect today's best practices and youth culture, and also covers grades 5-6 and 11-12, in addition to grades 7-10. Also new included are two videos and handouts explaining suicide warning signs and how to do a warm handoff when you suspect a student may need more care.
Lifelines® Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide
This program educates faculty on intervention best practices and provides clear guidance on how best to involve parents and guardians as partners. This revised version includes two handouts explaining suicide warning signs and how to do a warm handoff when you suspect a student may need more care, and also includes language to reflect today's best practices and youth culture.
Lifelines® Postvention: Responding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death
Educates everyone in the community on how to successfully respond to suicide and other traumatic deaths that profoundly affect the school population. This edition includes updated language and topics to reflect today's best practices and youth culture.
The Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Included in this collection are three programs: Lifelines Prevention, which educates students, faculty, and parents on suicide prevention; Lifelines Intervention, which helps students and faculty in middle and high schools identify suicide warning signs; and Lifelines Postvention, which provides faculty and students in middle and high schools the tools to respond to suicide and traumatic deaths.
What makes the latest edition of Lifelines® an effective, complete approach to suicide prevention? Watch this video to learn more.
According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide ranked as the third leading cause of death for young people (ages 15-19 and 15-24.) While suicides accounted for 1.4% of all deaths in the U.S. annually, they comprised 12.2% of all deaths among 15-24-year-olds.
Increased Understanding of Suicide Risk Factors and Help-Seeking Attitudes
An evaluation of Lifelines in Maine found that students in the intervention group:
- Demonstrated a significantly greater increase in knowledge about suicide
- Demonstrated significantly greater improvement in attitudes about suicide and suicide intervention
- Demonstrated significantly greater improvement in attitudes about seeking adult help
- Demonstrated significantly greater improvement in attitudes about keeping a friend's suicide thoughts a secret
Researchers at the University of Kentucky found that after middle school students participated in the Lifelines Prevention program:
- 98.5% understood the seriousness of suicide
- 96.2% understood the risk factors of suicide
A systemic review of universal prevention programs found that Lifelines had a positive impact on students' help-seeking attitudes.