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Hazelden Publishing Meditation Anthologies

Welcome to Hazelden Publishing. We have been sharing the voices of people in recovery since 1954. One of our most beloved forms of publishing has been our meditation books. We offer a meditation a day for those who seek hope and healing as they recover from substance use. And now we're expanding our meditations to specific communities of recovering people: those who have experienced sexual trauma, veterans and those currently serving in the military, first responders, health care providers, and many more. Each person's recovery is unique, but recovery is so much more effective when it's addressed in community.

Here is where you come in. You can add your voice by writing a meditation for one of our books. By publishing this collection of writings from people in a community, we make it into an anthology. We are currently working on the following meditation anthology:

Share your experience, your story, how you found inspiration. Write it and submit it for consideration, so we can share it with others who want to share your strength.

First, you don't have to be a professional writer. You don't have to ever have written a poem or a meditation. We'll provide examples of how meditations are written, and you can just write from your heart and your head. Your experience can speak to others. Your hope will inspire your community.

Then, submit the meditation for consideration. If selected, your meditation may be shared in print, as an ebook, as an audiobook, online, or in mobile apps. We want this to be a big project with many voices.

February 17 Meditation Reading
How Does This Process Work?
  • Click on the anthology for your community. Read the directions and go to the form where you can submit your writing.
  • Submit one meditation—or more. We will review all of them and include as many as fit into the themes of the book.
  • We've separated the book into themes that are important to your community and the recovery paths of people in it. Choose the area your meditation will fit into, or write for a new area that you think we need to include.
  • After we review the meditations, we will inform you if yours has been selected.
  • Then, we will ask you to fill out some paperwork about the donation of your writing to Hazelden Publishing, to make the submission legal.
  • We will create the book and send you a copy when it's ready to be released so you can have your work in your hands.
Why Should You Do This?
  • Recovery works best when it's supported by the community. This book is a community of voices, each has had experiences and successes to share. You are speaking to your community as an insider, sharing as a culture of sorts, whether drawn together by trauma or triumph.
  • Hazelden Publishing is a nonprofit organization that supports the recovery programs of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation; your work will support this mission.
  • If you're a writer and you'd like to get your voice out there, this is a nice way to add to the helpful and healing resource materials produced by Hazelden Publishing.
  • Nobody can speak to your story or your health like you can. But you can help others see themselves in your path and experience so they can find hope and healing, too.
What Else Should I Know?
We value you and we thank you. Thank you for being curious and for looking into this project. Whether or not you write a meditation for an anthology, we hope you check back on the progress of the books and the communities.