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Building Assets Reducing Risks Secondary CurriculumA School Improvement Model for Grades 6 - 12 Building Assets, Reducing Risks is an evidence-based social and emotional learning model proven to decrease educational disparities while increasing achievement for all students. Item: 7519
Building Assets Reducing Risks Classroom Curriculum Volume 1 BARRA School Improvement Model for Grades 6 - 12, Year 1 The Classroom Curriculum (known as "I-Time") provides teachers and classroom support staff with the resources they need to implement I-Time activities. Item: 7524
Block Meetings, Risk Review Meetings, and I-Time Activities DVD and USB BARRA Video Training Program for School Staff This training video demonstrates how to effectively facilitate the three main components of Building Assets, Reducing Risks. Item: 7569
The Grandfamily GuidebookWisdom and Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Ready or not, you're a parent again. If you're wondering how exactly you're going to raise your grandchildren, you're not alone. The Grandfamily Guidebook offers advice on everything from engaging with birth parents, to legal and financial issues, school and social life, and your own self-care. Read the Buzz. Item: 3620
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Safe Dates Third EditionA Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 9170
Online Price: $395.00
Getting Involved in AAFormerly titled Transition from Treatment to A.A. This pamphlet describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explains how it helps individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder. It offers valuable information on how to get involved in the program. Item: 1428
Online Price: $4.95
A Young Man's Guide to Self Mastery WorkbookA Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery is an invaluable resource for practitioners in mental health clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and residential and outpatient facilities who are working with adolescents who have a masculine experience of the world. Item: 1093
Online Price: $14.95
Nurturing Self EsteemFor People in Recovery From Substance Use Disorder This pamphlet explains the importance of self-esteem and describes how to strengthen it. It also describes how self-compassion can help to foster self-esteem. Item: 1295
Online Price: $4.95
Voices A Participant WorkbookVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4814
Online Price: $11.50
How to Teach Kids to Resolve Conflicts Without Violence BookletParenting for Prevention This booklet shows parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers how to teach kids about conflict resolution. Item: 3146
Online Price: $3.95
Detaching With LoveFor Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. Item: 1261
Online Price: $4.95
Stacked Deck Second EditionA Program to Prevent Problem Gambling Stacked Deck is an evidence-based curriculum for the prevention of problem gambling among teens and young adults. It is the world's first prevention program proven to be effective in changing gambling behavior in youth as well as reducing their risk of developing gambling-related problems. Item: 2240
Online Price: $295.00
How to Teach Kids To Handle Anger Without Violence BookletParenting for Prevention This booklet teaches parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers simple skills for helping kids manage anger using a four-step method. Item: 3140
Online Price: $3.95
Conflict Resolution WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Teach students how to de-escalate conflict and turn it to their advantage with the Conflict Resolution workbook,. Works hand-in-hand with the Conflict Resolution facilitator's guide. Item: 1952
Online Price: $8.95
Living Skills Complete CollectionLacking certain life skills can profoundly affect a person's course of employment, finances, relationships, and general outlook. Hazelden Publishing's Living Skills program examines twelve basic skills that many people take for granted. Ideal for treatment, mental health, criminal justice, and a variety of other settings, it provides the tools necessary... Item: 6790
Online Price: $2,995.00
More Class Meetings That Matter 9-12Resources for Grades 9-12 Schools across the country use the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) to reduce and prevent bullying. Engaging students in the classroom is a core part of this award-winning program. This easy-to-use manual provides age-appropriate ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3618
Online Price: $62.95
Refusal Skills Session PackageRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. Item: 6778
Online Price: $275.00
More Class Meetings That Matter 6-8Resources for Grades 6-8 Easy-to-use manual provides engaging, age-appropriate, and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3617
Online Price: $62.95
Detaching with Love Pkg of 10For Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. 1 package of 10 pamphlets. Item: 126110
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Understanding Addiction and Recovery Through a Child's EyesHope, Help, and Healing for Families Addiction is one of the biggest dilemmas of the 21st century. Jerry Moe, an addictions professional and National Director of Children's Programs at the Betty Ford Center, has spent more than twenty years treating people and families in recovery. In his latest book, Moe has assembled a rich and wide-reaching collection of poignant stories and humorous... Item: 4956
Online Price: $14.95
Building Assets Reducing Risks Elementary U-Time Curriculum Gr K-2 Volume 2A School Improvement Model for grades K-2 U-Time provides teachers and classroom support staff with the resources they need to implement thirty inter active and engaging activities as part of the BARR model. Item: 3549
Setting and Attaining Goals Session PackageSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. Item: 6781
Online Price: $275.00
Interpersonal Skills Session PackageInterpersonal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. Item: 6779
Online Price: $275.00
Coping with Stress CurriculumA CBT Program for Teens with Trauma A flexible and effective curriculum for treating teens suffering from the symptoms of trauma. Teach the core skills within a few sessions, and participants can begin addressing their symptoms immediately. Item: 3899
Online Price: $195.00
Building Assets Reducing Risks Elementary U-Time Curriculum Gr 3-5 Volume 2A School Improvement Model for grades 3-5 U-Time provides teachers and classroom support staff with the resources they need to implement thirty inter active and engaging activities as part of the BARR model. Item: 3550
Relaciones De Pareja Seguaras Tercera Edicion (Safe Dates 3rd Edition Spanish)Un programa para la prevencion de la agresion en las relaciones de pareja entre adolescents This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 1072
Online Price: $395.00
Earn ItWhat to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention Entitlement is often confused with the word affluenza, a term used to describe the spoiledness of the very rich. But entitlement occurs across all income groups. It's a state of mind, the concept that "I deserve, even without putting in an effort." This attitude begins at home, but often our society helps reinforce it. Think of the so-called... Item: 3379
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Making Decisions Session PackageMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. Item: 6776
Online Price: $275.00
Looking For Work Session PackageLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. Item: 6771
Online Price: $275.00
Voices: A Program of Self-Discovery and Empowerment for GirlsVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4812
Online Price: $95.00
Voices 10 Participant WorkbooksVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4816
Online Price: $115.00
Managing Money Session PackageManaging Money, part of the Practical Guidance segment of Living Skills, helps clients that may have struggled with money in the past -- whether it be because of addiction, mental illness, incarceration, or other difficulties -- learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. Item: 6770
Online Price: $275.00
Parenting and Child Development Session PackageParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. Item: 6780
Online Price: $275.00
Voices CollectionVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4815
Online Price: $198.50
Values and Responsibilities Session PackageValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Item: 6777
Online Price: $275.00
How To Set Limits For Kids BookletParenting for Prevention This booklet teaches parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers how to set reasonable limits according to the age, trust level, and basic needs of each child. Item: 3144
Online Price: $2.95
Canoe Journey Life's JourneyA Life Skills Manual for Native Adolescents
Item: 4220
Online Price: $129.00
The Real Life Parenting Skills Complete Program with DVDsA solid program for helping parents in recovery restore their relationship with their children. The full curriculum with pamphlets, workbooks, and DVDs, addresses the core topics of trust, anger, and setting rules. Item: 3808
Price: Online Price: $995.00 |
How to Stop Enabling and Start Empowering KidsParenting for Prevention This booklet teaches parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers how to stop enabling and start empowering a child. Item: 3142
Online Price: $3.95
Hygiene and Self-Care Session PackageHygiene and Self-Care, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, teaches clients important hygiene and self-care practices to help them maintain physical health, promote self-confidence, and make a positive impression on others. Item: 6773
Online Price: $275.00
Sexual Health Sessions PackageSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topic of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. Item: 6775
Online Price: $275.00
Youth Life Skills Stress Management CollectionMiddle School/Junior High With the Stress Management collection of the Youth Life Skills Series for middle school students, kids learn what really causes stress, what to do when overwhelmed, and why it is necessary to accept things that can't be controlled or changed. Item: 0571
Price: Online Price: $199.00 |
Youth Life Skills Anger Management CollectionMiddle School/Junior High With the Anger Management collection of the Youth Life Skills Series for middle school students, kids learn how to identify what triggers their anger and what to do to deal with anger and a healthy, productive way. Item: 0570
Price: Online Price: $199.00 |
Youth Life Skills Communication CollectionMiddle School /Junior High With the Communication collection of the Youth Life Skills Series for middle school students, kids will learn how honesty and directness help in connecting with others and what body language reveals about one's feelings. Item: 0569
Price: Online Price: $199.00 |
Youth Life Skills Conflict Resolution CollectionMiddle School/Junior High With the Conflict Resolution collection of the Youth Life Skills Series for middle school students, kids learn how to cool down, take responsibility for their actions, and figure things out when in a conflict. Item: 0573
Price: Online Price: $199.00 |
Youth Life Skills DVD Series for High SchoolReal teens explain how they handled difficult situations in the past and what they learned from their experiences this DVD series developed to teach kids about anger management, communication, conflict resolution, decision making, and stress management. Item: 2685
Price: Online Price: $189.00 |
Youth Life Skills Decision Making CollectionMiddle School/Junior High With the Decision Making collection of the Youth Life Skills Series for middle school students, kids learn how to look at a situation from different perspectives and weigh options and consequences before making a decision. Item: 0572
Price: Online Price: $199.00 |
Gifts From the Sacred CircleA Native Traditional Parenting Curriculum for Families Affected By Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Specifically created to assist and strengthen Native American families affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, this parenting curriculum uses tribal-specific cultural strengths and resiliency factors. Item: 4690
Online Price: $165.00
Securing Housing Session PackageSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in establishing a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. Item: 6772
Online Price: $275.00
The Real Life Parenting Skills DVD SetYou Can Make a Difference in Your Child's Life A solid program for helping parents in recovery restore their relationship with their children. The DVD set addresses the core topics of trust, anger, and setting rules. Item: 7496
Online Price: $205.00
Education Session PackageEducation, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. Item: 6774
Online Price: $275.00
Communication Facilitators GuideHazelden Youth Life Skills Program The Communication Facilitator's Guide helps teachers and counselors guide students through the Communication Workbook and offers supplemental activities for class time and at home. Item: 1957
Online Price: $21.95
ASI-MV, BHI-MV, and CHAT Online AssessmentThe Addiction Severity Index, Multimedia Version ASI-MV (Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version) is the electronic version of the traditional paper- and pencil-administered ASI. Delivered via a secure website, ASI-MV does not require assistance by your staff for clients to complete. Item: SE7556
OnDemand Focus on Living Skills (1-10 Clinicians)Practical Guidance and Personal Growth, A Hazelden On Demand Collection Hazelden Publishing's Living Skills examines 12 basic skills that many people take for granted. Ideal for treatment, mental health, criminal justice, and a variety of other settings, it provides the tools necessary to help clients live healthy, fulfilling lives. Item: SE9954
Peer Leadership TrainingThe SALSA training is designed for middle and/or high school students and their adult advisors. SALSA is a peer-powered support and advocacy group of and for students who choose not to use alcohol and other drugs. Item: FCD131
Prevention AssessmentOur custom, qualitative instrument evaluates your school or community's prevention efforts and initiatives. The process involves your whole-school community, including school leadership and administration, faculty, staff, coaches, parents/guardians and students. Item: FCD132
Top Secret ProjectHazelden Betty Ford's "guided tour" of a teen's bedroom offers insight into potential risk and protective factors and creates new spaces for parents to initiate proactive conversations about health and well-being. Item: FCD135
Safe Dates On Demand One Year SubscriptionA Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Item: SE9860
Student Attitudes and Behavior SurveyDesigned for students in grades six to 12, the Student Attitudes and Behavior Survey gives you invaluable data to help you develop the most effective and customized prevention solutions for your school. Item: FCD133
Consulting and Training In-Person 1 DayComprehensive Prevention Planning is a collaborative process—involving faculty, administrators, counselors, health care staff, parents, students and board members—that promotes the health and welfare of young people by effectively meeting strategic prevention goals and objectives. Item: FCD111
Train the Trainer ProgrammingGain deeper insights and learn top approaches for your prevention-related responsibilities with the Train-the-Trainer Program. Created by trainers, for trainers, this program will make you even more effective in helping students in elementary through secondary schools make healthy decisions. Item: FCD106
Adult Prevention ProgrammingOur Adult Programming is tailored to your community's needs. Whether for parents and caregivers or for administration, faculty and staff, our goal with this research-backed and evidence informed programming is to help you achieve the mission of support and recovery for all. Item: FCD107
Please TellA Child's Story About Sexual Abuse Written and illustrated by a young girl who was sexually molested by a family member, this book reaches out to other children in a way that no adult can. An excellent tool for therapists, counselors, child protection workers, teachers, and parents dealing with children affected by sexual abuse. Item: 5169
Price: Online Price: $11.65 |