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All Products > Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health > Gender-responsive
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps RevisedThis guide to the Twelve Steps from Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, a pioneer in the field of women's issues, addiction, and recovery, preserves the spirit of the program with a focus on healing language with women's needs in mind. Item: 1430
Online Price: $19.95
A Womans Journal 3rd EditionHelping Women Recover Helping Women Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction is an evidence-based, manualized curriculum for treating women with histories of addiction and trauma. It is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including treatment programs, domestic violence shelters, and mental health clinics. Item: 8010
Online Price: $38.95
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps WorkbookWomen's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique. That's why Dr. Stephanie S. Covington has designed the A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps Workbook to help women and gender-expansive people each find their own path. Item: 1424
Online Price: $19.95
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps SetWomen's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique. That's why Dr. Stephanie S. Covington has designed the A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps softcover and workbook to help women and gender-expansive people each find their own path. Item: 4010
Online Price: $33.95
A Womans Journal Criminal Justice WorkbookSpecial edition for use in Criminal Justice System This revised version of Helping Women Recover is specially designed for women who are in correctional settings and have histories of addiction and trauma. This evidence-based, manualized curriculum is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including jails, prisons, and community corrections. Item: 8018
Online Price: $39.95
Helping Men Recover WorkbookA Program for Treating Addiction, 2nd Edition In the second edition of A Man's Workbook, men with substance use disorder receive resources and tools to accompany their treatment, including reflective questions and exercises addressing the self, relationships, sexuality, and spirituality. Item: 4546
Online Price: $34.95
A Man's Way through the Twelve StepsThis groundbreaking book offers men in recovery the tools they need to work through key issues with which they commonly struggle, including difficulty admitting powerlessness, finding connection with a Higher Power, letting go of repressed anger and resentment, contending with sexual issues, and overcoming barriers to intimacy and meaningful relationships.... Item: 4734
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Helping Men Recover Criminal Justice WorkbookA Program for Treating Addiction Special Edition for use in the Justice System , 2nd Edition The newly released Helping Men Recover (2nd edition) is a gender-based, trauma-informed treatment program for substance use disorders that has been expanded to twenty-one sessions. It is grounded in research, theory, and clinical practice and includes a facilitator's guide and a participant's workbook. Item: 4581
Online Price: $28.99
The Little Red Book For Women HardcoverThe Little Red Book evolved from a series of notes originally prepared as Twelve Step suggestions for AA beginners. The women's version, annotated by best-selling author Karen Casey, opens new avenues of thought for women. Item: 2311
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
A Woman's Addiction WorkbookYour guide to in-depth healing This supportive, strength-based workbook helps women explore underlying factors of their addiction, identify addictive life patterns, and embark on the journey of recovery. Item: 9797
Online Price: $25.95
Glad DayDaily Meditations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People Addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, Glad Day speaks to the issues that touch everyone, regardless of sexual orientation: change, fear, self-disclosure, faith in a power greater than ourselves, success and failure, openness to ourselves and others. Item: 5670
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
A Young Man's Guide to Self Mastery WorkbookA Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery is an invaluable resource for practitioners in mental health clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and residential and outpatient facilities who are working with adolescents who have a masculine experience of the world. Item: 1093
Online Price: $14.95
A Woman's Guide to RecoveryWritten by Brenda Iliff, Director of the Hazelden Women's Recovery Center If you are a woman who has found the courage to start down the road of recovery, this book, written by the executive director of Hazelden in Naples (and former director of the Hazelden Women's Recovery Center), explains how you can live a life "beyond your wildest dreams." Its pages are filled with expert advice, caring support, and personal... Item: 2460
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
Voices A Participant WorkbookVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4814
Online Price: $11.50
Recovery from the Heart WorkbookA Journey Through the Twelve Steps A workbook that speaks to Native Americans in recovery. Based on the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the Twelve Steps, and a system of principles, values, and laws common to many Native American tribes. Item: 1479
Online Price: $3.95
Men's Work Workbook SetThree powerful workbooks that allow clients to personalize how and why they have been violent and how they can become capable of controlling their anger. Men's Work helps clients develop alternative to violence. Item: 0855
Online Price: $18.95
Helping Women Recover Curriculum 3rd for use in Criminal JusticeSpecial edition for use in Criminal Justice System This revised version of Helping Women Recover is specially designed for women who are in correctional settings and have histories of addiction and trauma. This evidence-based, manualized curriculum is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including jails, prisons, and community corrections. Item: 8023
Online Price: $229.00
La mujer y su práctica de los Doce Pasos (A Womans Way through the Twelve Steps Spanish)ESTE ES UN LIBRO para quienes "lo han probado todo¿ con el fin de que sus seres queridos logren la sobriedad (desde regaños y reclamos, hasta súplicas y sobornos, e incluso el distanciamiento), sin éxito. This guide to the Twelve Steps from Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, a pioneer in the field of women's issues, addiction, and recovery, preserves the... Item: 2680
La mujer y su práctica de los Doce Pasos, Libro de ejercicios (A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Workbook Spanish)La recuperación de las mujeres puede diferir de la de los hombres, y la recuperación de cada persona es única en muchos sentidos. Es por eso que la Dra. Stephanie S. Covington ha diseñado el Libro de trabajo El camino de las mujeres a través de los Doce Pasos para ayudar a las mujeres y a las personas de género expansivo a encontrar su propio camino.... Item: 2700
Helping Men Recover CurriculumA Program for Treating Addiction, 2nd Edition Helping Men Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction is for professionals working with men who have substance use disorder. The facilitator's guide provides detailed overview of modules addressing the self, relationships, sexuality, and spirituality, covered in 21 sessions. Item: 4544
Online Price: $205.00
Helping Women Recover Curriculum 3rd EditionA Program for Treating Addiction Helping Women Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction is an evidence-based, manualized curriculum for treating women with histories of addiction and trauma. It is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including treatment programs, domestic violence shelters, and mental health clinics. Item: 8017
Online Price: $225.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Facilitators GuideDesigned to be used in conjunction with A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps workbook, this facilitator's guide offers practical guidance to deliver the program and the curriculum of experiential exercises. It describes the most effective ways to conduct sessions with clients, including when and how to use the program's book and workbook. Item: 1435
Online Price: $105.00
Healing Trauma Plus Third EditionA Brief Intervention for Women and Gender-Diverse People Healing Trauma is an evidence-based, gender-responsive, six-session (90-minute sessions), brief intervention trauma program for women. The program includes workbooks in English and Spanish. Item: 6107
Online Price: $345.00
Beyond Trauma Facilitator Guide and 10 WorkbooksA Healing Journey for Women This participant workbook is for women to use with Beyond Trauma Second Edition, A Healing Journey for Women sessions. If you have the FIRST EDITION of Beyond Trauma and need workbooks for that curriculum, call your sales representative at 800-328-9000. Item: 3255
Online Price: $219.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Facilitator Guide and 10 Workbooks CollectionSet of 10 Workbooks and 1 Facilitator Guide. By nationally recognized expert Stephanie Covington, A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps is a proven effective, gender-responsive approach to helping women find serenity through the Twelve Steps. Item: 4044
Online Price: $259.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Set 5 of EachBy nationally recognized expert Stephanie Covington, A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps is a proven effective, gender-responsive approach to helping women find serenity through the Twelve Steps. Item: 4026
Online Price: $169.00
Healing Trauma Plus and Exploring Trauma PlusBrief Interventions for Women, Men and Gender-Diverse People Both Healing Trauma and Exploring Trauma are ideal for use in settings that require a shorter intervention, including community mental health centers, domestic violence agencies, sexual assault services, addiction treatment programs, and correctional settings. Save money by purchasing both programs in this complete collection. Item: 6100
Online Price: $615.00
Helping Men Recover Criminal Justice CurriculumA Program for Treating Addiction, Special Edition for Use in the Justice System, Set, 2nd Edition The newly released Helping Men Recover (2nd edition) is a gender-based, trauma-informed treatment program for substance use disorders that has been expanded to twenty-one sessions. It is grounded in research, theory, and clinical practice and includes a facilitator's guide and a participant's workbook. Item: 4571
Online Price: $205.00
A Place Called Self Book and WorkbookFor many women, newfound sobriety -- with its hard-won joys and accomplishments -- is often a lonely and unsatisfying experience. With this book and companion workbook, pioneering therapist Stephanie Brown, Ph.D., helps readers understand that leaving behind the numbing comfort of alcohol or other drugs means you must face yourself, perhaps for the first... Item: 2681
Price: Online Price: $22.45 |
Exploring Trauma Plus Second EditionA Brief Intervention for Men and Gender-Diverse People Exploring Trauma is a gender-responsive, six-session (90-minute sessions), brief intervention program that addresses the unique issues that men have with trauma. The program includes workbooks in English and Spanish. Item: 6105
Online Price: $345.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Complete CollectionBy nationally recognized expert Stephanie Covington, A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps is a proven effective, gender-responsive approach to helping women find serenity through the Twelve Steps. The collection includes facilitator guide, 10 workbooks, and 10 softcover books. Item: 4020
Online Price: $429.00
Voices: A Program of Self-Discovery and Empowerment for GirlsVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4812
Online Price: $95.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps DVDThis video is a component of A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Program and is also available as a stand-alone item to enhance your existing program. The video portrays the safe, nurturing, and empowering environment that is essential in order for women and girls to heal from addiction. Item: 7543
Online Price: $265.00
Voices 10 Participant WorkbooksVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4816
Online Price: $115.00
Cultural Pain and African AmericansUnspoken Issues in Early Recovery Written for African Americans who are in the early to middle stages of recovery, this pamphlet focuses on the importance of recognizing and discussing racial and cultural issues. Item: 5390
Online Price: $3.95
Voices CollectionVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4815
Online Price: $198.50
A Young Man's Guide to Self Mastery SetAdverse life events can impact boys, young men, transgender, and nonbinary people in a variety of ways. For example, these events can create significant impairment in neural development which can lead to weakened critical thinking, diminished emotional intelligence, and increased antisocial behavior. Statistics show that without trauma-focused interventions,... Item: 1086
Online Price: $99.95
Men in Recovery DVDHosted by best-selling author and recovery expert Craig Nakken, this DVD helps male clients redefine what it means to be a man in recovery. Item: 2574
Online Price: $99.00
Women in Recovery DVDWomen talk about how they keep their recovery strong and what they have learned about trust, faith, action, and friendship along the way. Item: 2573
Online Price: $99.00
Gay Men and Substance AbuseA Basic Guide for Addicts and Those Who Care for Them Winner of the 2012 Independent Book Publishers Association Benjamin Franklin Award in the GLBT category, Gay Men and Substance Abuse fills a tremendous void, serving as a valuable resource for gay men, professionals, concerned partners, friends, and family members in need of solid information and guidance. Item: 7934
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Women and Addiction A Gender Responsive Approach Curriculum with DVDThe Clinical Innovators Series Stephanie Covington, PhD, a pioneer in gender-responsive treatment, shows you how to create effective recovery services for women and girls. Item: 2907
Online Price: $225.00
OnDemand Focus on Trauma (1-10 Clinicians)Trauma Focus Get access to Hazelden Publishing's top resources for helping survivors of trauma in one place. This subscription includes evidence-based programs that can help any setting become trauma- and gender-responsive. Item: SE3441