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All Products > Youth Prevention > Suicide
Hazelden Lifelines PostventionResponding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death Lifelines® Postvention: Responding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death is a best-practices manual that educates everyone in the community on how to successfully respond to suicide and other traumatic deaths that profoundly affect the school population. This newly revised edition includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's best practices... Item: 3510
Online Price: $155.00
Hazelden Lifelines InterventionHelping Students At Risk for Suicide Lifelines® Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide provides middle and high school faculty and students information on how to respond to signs of suicide. This newly revised edition includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's best practices and youth culture. Item: 3505
Online Price: $195.00
Hazelden Lifelines PreventionBuilding Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide Lifelines Prevention®: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide is a comprehensive, whole-school suicide prevention curriculum that educates school faculty, parents, and students on the facts about suicide and their respective roles as suicide "preventers". This newly revised edition uses updated language and new topics to reflect today's... Item: 3500
Online Price: $295.00
Lifelines Trilogy On Demand One Year SubscriptionThe Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Item: SE4888
Complete Hazelden Lifelines TrilogyPrevention, Intervention and Postvention Programs Revised The Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Included in this collection are three programs: Lifelines... Item: 3515
Online Price: $545.00