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Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Hardcover4th Edition The fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2021
Online Price: $16.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition SoftcoverBig Book The fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2053
Online Price: $14.95
Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text 6th Edition HardcoverHardcover version of the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. The book, written by addicts, for addicts, about addicts, sets forth the spiritual principles of Narcotics Anonymous that hundreds of thousands of addicts have used in recovery. Item: 4842
Online Price: $17.95
Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text 6th Edition Hardcover Case**CASE LOT SALES** Hardcover version of the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. The book, written by addicts, for addicts, about addicts, sets forth the spiritual principles of Narcotics Anonymous that hundreds of thousands of addicts have used in recovery. Item: 484224
Price: Online Price: $395.00 |
Narcotics Anonymous 6th Edition SoftcoverSoftcover version of the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. The book, written by addicts, for addicts, about addicts, sets forth the spiritual principles of Narcotics Anonymous that hundreds of thousands of addicts have used in recovery. Item: 4843
Online Price: $16.95
Narcotics Anonymous 6th Edition Softcover Case**CASE LOT SALES** Softcover version of the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. The book, written by addicts, for addicts, about addicts, sets forth the spiritual principles of Narcotics Anonymous that hundreds of thousands of addicts have used in recovery. Item: 484328
Price: Online Price: $429.00 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Case Special HardcoverThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 202120
Price: Online Price: $299.00 |
The Narcotics Anonymous Step Working GuidesNarcotics Anonymous Step Working Guides are meant to be used by NA members at any stage of recovery. Item: 4724
Online Price: $11.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Large Print 4th EditionBig Book The large print fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 4761
Online Price: $16.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Case Special SoftcoverThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 205320
Price: Online Price: $269.00 |
NA It Works How and Why SoftcoverThe Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous NA It Works How and Why interprets the principles of recovery used by Narcotics Anonymous. Twenty-four chapters offer insight on each Step and Tradition. Item: 7493
Online Price: $11.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Pocket EditionThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2052
Online Price: $9.95
Just for Today SoftcoverDaily Meditations for Recovering Addicts Just for Today offers 366 meditations that relate to excerpts from the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. Item: 4721
Online Price: $14.75
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions SoftcoverTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 2081
Online Price: $13.95
Daily ReflectionsA Book of Reflections by AA Members for AA Members A collection of 366 inspirational messages about living sober through the fellowship of AA. Item: 2013
Online Price: $17.95
Living SoberBasic, essential information from Alcoholics Anonymous on staying sober. Item: 2150
Online Price: $8.95
Plain Language Big BookA Tool for Reading Alcoholics Anonymous The Plain Language Big Book covers the core content of the "abridged version" (the edition without personal stories) of the original Big Book and is written in simpler language to support readers in their recovery. Item: 2340
Online Price: $14.95
Life with HopeA Return to Living Through the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions of Marijuana Anonymous Similar to The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Life with Hope thoroughly explains the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as they relate to individuals with cannabis use disorder. This is an essential resource for anyone seeking recovery through Marijuana Anonymous (MA). Item: 4971
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Life with Hope 12 Step WorkbookA Return to Living Through the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions of Marijuana Anonymous The Life with Hope 12 Step Workbook supplements the Life with Hope textbook and reinforces the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Marijuana Anonymous (MA). It includes worksheets and activities to help people overcome cannabis use disorder. Item: 4972
Price: Online Price: $11.65 |
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions HardcoverTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 2080
Price: Online Price: $11.99 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Hardcover Jacketless4th Edition The fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2023
Online Price: $16.95
An Introductory Guide to Narcotics Anonymous RevisedThis revised edition of An Introductory Guide to Narcotics Anonymous is a welcoming, helpful guide for newcomers to Narcotics Anonymous. Includes a discussion of each of the Twelve Steps. Item: 7412
Online Price: $4.50
Paths to Recovery HardcoverAl-Anon's Steps, Traditions, and Concepts The definitive book for everyone in Al-Anon. Includes the group's core writings. Item: 3100
Online Price: $24.00
Courage to Change HardcoverOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon II The daily meditations, reminders, and prayers from Courage to Change help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones and point to Al-Anon's impact as a vital part of recovery. Item: 3070
Online Price: $20.00
NA It Works How and Why HardcoverThe Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous A mainstay in Narcotics Anonymous literature, this book offers insight on each Step and Tradition. Item: 4722
Online Price: $14.75
Living Clean SoftcoverThe Journey Continues Living Clean: The Journey Continues is about finding a new way to live--the practice of recovery in our daily lives, in our relationships, and in our service to others. It is intended to welcome members new to recovery and to rekindle the passion of longer-term NA members. Item: 4138
Online Price: $13.50
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon HardcoverOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon is a book of daily meditations, reminders, and prayers help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones. Item: 3120
Online Price: $15.00
Codependents AnonymousThe basic text for the Codependents Anonymous Twelve Step group. Essential for anyone who attends CA meetings. Item: 4180
Online Price: $16.50
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Large PrintLarge Print Edition Twelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 3860
Online Price: $14.95
How Al-Anon Works For Families and Friends of Alcoholics SoftcoverThe essential book on Al-Anonfamily groups. How Al-Anon Works open the door and invites us in to see how Al-Anon helps families of alcoholics. Item: 4954
Online Price: $11.00
Living Clean HardcoverThe Journey Continues Living Clean: The Journey Continues is about finding a new way to live--the practice of recovery in our daily lives, in our relationships, and in our service to others. It is intended to welcome members new to recovery and to rekindle the passion of longer-term NA members. Item: 4139
Online Price: $15.50
As Bill Sees It HardcoverAs Bill Sees It contains 332 short essays by AA cofounder Bill W. Ideal for individual reflection or group discussion. Item: 2060
Online Price: $15.95
Alateen A Day at a Time HardcoverA Day at a Time A daily meditation book for teens whose lives are affected by someone else's drinking Item: 3059
Online Price: $14.00
Came to BelieveMore than 75 AA members from all over the world describe the wide diversity of convictions implied in "God as we understand Him." Especially helpful to those who confuse "spiritual" with "religious." Item: 2140
Online Price: $8.95
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Hardcover JacketlessTwelve Steps and Twelve Traditions is the basic text which clarifies the Steps which constitute the AA way of life and the Traditions by which AA maintains its unity. Item: 2051
Online Price: $15.95
Narcóticos Anónimos Texto básico (Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text Spanish)Spanish Translation with new stories Versión en español del texto básico de Narcóticos Anónimos. El libro, escrito por adictos, para adictos, sobre adictos, establece los principios espirituales de Narcóticos Anónimos que cientos de miles de adictos han utilizado en su recuperación. Item: 4740
Online Price: $16.95
Doce Pasos y Doce Tradiciones (Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Spanish)Los grupos de Doce Pasos de todo el mundo se basan en los Doce Pasos y Doce Tradiciones, el texto básico sobre el estilo de vida y las tradiciones de A.A. mediante las cuales mantiene su unidad. Un libro clásico desde 1952. Item: 2082
Online Price: $13.95
El Libro Grande de Alcohólicos Anónimos, Tercera edición, tapa dura (Alcoholics Anonymous The Big Book Third Edition Hardcover Spanish)Este es el texto clásico que guía a la confraternidad de Alcohólicos Anónimos. Item: 7548
Online Price: $16.95
For TodayMeditations and reflections from members of Overeaters Anonymous emphasize program principles. Item: 6102
Online Price: $17.50
Emotions Anonymous SoftcoverThis is the basic text of the Emotions Anonymous fellowship, based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Included are personal stories offering hope of recovery from feelings of emptiness and low self-esteem. Item: 6486
Online Price: $22.00
Blueprint for ProgressAl-Anon's Fourth Step Inventory Blueprint for Progress provides thought-provoking questions about your fears, relationships, values, self-worth, spirituality, and other concerns, and guides you in "making a searching and fearless moral inventory" of yourself. Item: 7798
Online Price: $10.50
Al-Anon's Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions HardcoverA must-have book for any family members in Al-Anon. Item: 3200
Online Price: $14.00
Hope for Today HardcoverAl-Anon's daily reader brings fresh insight and much-needed support to anyone affected by a loved one's addiction. Item: 3725
Online Price: $18.00
Today Emotions Anonymous Meditation BookA book of daily meditations written by members of Emotions Anonymous. These words instill a sense of hope and inspiration for those of us who wish to live fully with their emotions. Item: 6481
Online Price: $22.00
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous Second EditionTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 8714
Online Price: $18.50
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Case Special Hardcover JacketlessThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. 1 case of 20. Item: 202320
Price: Online Price: $299.00 |
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous SCThe basic text describing how this Twelve Step fellowship interprets AA's program to give support to recovering sex addicts. Includes many personal stories. Item: 6800
Online Price: $17.95
Viviendo Sobrio (Living Sober Spanish)Viviendo sobrio es un libro práctico de 88 páginas que demuestra con ejemplos sencillos cómo los miembros de A.A. en el mundo viven y permanecen sobrios un día a la vez. Item: 2142
Online Price: $8.95
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Pocket EditionTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions>/i>, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 2083
Online Price: $11.95
Sex Addicts Anonymous2nd Edition Attending SAA meetings starts us on a new way of life. But while the SAA fellowship supports our recovery, the actual work of recovery is described in the Twelve Steps Item: 9609
Online Price: $14.00
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon Large Print HardcoverDaily meditations, reminders, and prayers to help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones. Item: 3010
Online Price: $19.00
The Twelve Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous 2nd editionThis is the workbook edition of OA's keystone book, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition. Item: 8690
Online Price: $15.95
Courage to Be MeLiving with Alcoholism A treasure trove of recovery stories written by and for Alateens. Item: 3030
Online Price: $14.00
Discovering ChoicesAn Al-Anon book that explores the many facets of recovery in relationships. Drawing on the experience, strength, and hope of hundreds of members, it sheds light on how alcoholism has affected many different types of relationships in many different ways. Item: 4219
Online Price: $18.00
Un día a la vez en Al-Anon (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon Spanish)Un día a la vez en El-Anon es un libro de meditaciones diarias, recordatorios y oraciones que ayuda a las familias a alentar a sus seres queridos alcohólicos en recuperación. Item: 3121
Online Price: $14.00
Valor para cambiar (Courage to Change, Spanish)Las meditaciones, recordatorios y oraciones diarias de la edición en español del libro Valor para cambiar ayudan a las familias a alentar a sus seres queridos alcohólicos en recuperación y destacan el impacto de Alcohólicos Anónimos como una parte vital de la recuperación. Item: 3126
Online Price: $18.00
Llegamos a creer (Came to Believe Spanish)Llegamos a creer es la aventura espiritual de A.A. como fue experimentada por miembros individuales. Más de 75 miembros de A.A. de todo el mundo describen la amplia diversidad de convicciones implicadas en "Dios como lo entendemos a Él". Item: 2141
Online Price: $8.95
Opening Our Hearts Transforming Our LossesThis book from Al-Anon includes the experiences of hundreds of members in order to challenge individuals and stimulate group discussions. Readers are invited to explore how Al-Anon principles have helped members acknowledge, understand, and accept the losses we have experienced as a result of someone else's alcoholism. Item: 7738
Online Price: $18.00