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Addressing Chronic DiseasesHealth-Management Strategies for Use with Behavioral Health Clients Take a truly integrated approach toward treating the "whole person" by helping clients develop skills to prevent and manage some of the most common health conditions. Item: 9869
Online Price: $195.00
Life with HopeA Return to Living Through the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions of Marijuana Anonymous Similar to The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Life with Hope thoroughly explains the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as they relate to individuals with cannabis use disorder. This is an essential resource for anyone seeking recovery through Marijuana Anonymous (MA). Item: 4971
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Life with Hope 12 Step WorkbookA Return to Living Through the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions of Marijuana Anonymous The Life with Hope 12 Step Workbook supplements the Life with Hope textbook and reinforces the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Marijuana Anonymous (MA). It includes worksheets and activities to help people overcome cannabis use disorder. Item: 4972
Price: Online Price: $11.65 |
Getting Involved in AAFormerly titled Transition from Treatment to A.A. This pamphlet describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explains how it helps individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder. It offers valuable information on how to get involved in the program. Item: 1428
Online Price: $4.95
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5-TRFifth Edition, Text Revision, Prevention to Recovery Now in its fifth edition, the DSM-5 is a comprehensive diagnostic tool that creates a common language for health care professionals involved in the diagnosis of mental disorders. Item: 7534
Online Price: $175.00
Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5(TM)The Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-5® is a concise, affordable companion to the ultimate psychiatric reference, DSM-5®. It includes the fully revised diagnostic classification, as well as all of the diagnostic criteria from DSM-5® in an easy-to-use paperback format. Item: 3071
Online Price: $75.00
The Pocket Guide to the DSM-5-TRDiagnostic Exam the DSM-5 is a comprehensive diagnostic tool that creates a common language for health care professionals involved in the diagnosis of mental disorders. Item: 7595
Online Price: $75.00
MarijuanaThe Unbiased Truth about the World's Most Popular Weed A nationally recognized clinical expert and leading researcher on marijuana, Kevin P. Hill provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the drug in Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World's Most Popular Weed. Item: 7758
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Class Meetings and Individual Intervention DVD SetA Video Training Program for School Staff This video training program gives elementary and middle school staff the knowledge, skills, and confidence to conduct class meetings about bullying and to intervene when bullying occurs. Includes facilitator's guide and 2 DVDs. Item: 4726
Online Price: $214.95
Detaching with Love Pkg of 10For Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. 1 package of 10 pamphlets. Item: 126110
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Opioids DVD and USBWhat You Need To Know Opioids: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, a timeline of the opioid crisis, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3765
Online Price: $265.00
Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-ResponsiveA Training Program for Organizational Change Becoming trauma-responsive means looking at all aspects of an organization's programming, environment, language, and values and involving all staff in better serving clients who have experienced trauma. Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive provides program administrators and clinical directors with all the resources needed to train staff... Item: 3769
Online Price: $695.00
The Book of Ethics without CE TestExpert Guidance For Professionals Who Treat Addiction This groundbreaking, reader-friendly guide to contemporary ethical issues informs and challenges health care professionals, students, and faculty with a thorough and compassionate examination of the dilemmas faced when providing care for individuals suffering from substance use problems or addiction. Item: 3015
Price: Online Price: $35.05 |
Methamphetamine DVD and USBWhat You Need to Know Methamphetamine: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3751
Online Price: $265.00
Twelve Step Facilitation Handbook without CE Test, 2nd EditionA Therapeutic Approach to Treatment and Recovery Ideal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 3601
Online Price: $55.95
Cocaine DVDWhat You Need to Know Cocaine: What You Need to Know provides a comprehensive set of tools that is ideal for educating patients and their families, school faculty and staff, behavioral and mental health professionals, and more. Item: 4984
Online Price: $265.00
A Clinician's Guide to Opioids with CE TestA Clinician's Guide to Opioids is a comprehensive resource that educates healthcare providers on proven best practices in the treatment of opioid use disorders. It includes the impact and scale of opioid use on individuals and society, best practices for screening, assessment, and brief intervention, and information on Medication-Assisted Treatment.... Item: 3586
Online Price: $95.95
Medical Aspects of Substance Use Disorders DVD/USBThe Neurobiology of Addiction Based on the latest research, Medical Aspects of Substance Use Disorders is an educational video that provides information on the neurobiology of addiction, or how alcohol and other drugs affect the brain and central nervous system. Item: 1728
Online Price: $325.00
Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Behavioral HealthIn this innovative and reader-friendly guide, leading researchers from the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center examine the implementation of evidence-based practices in behavioral health and offer practical strategies for bringing these practices into routine clinical settings. Item: 2025
Online Price: $99.00
Complete Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD Program with DVDA Program for Addiction Professionals Increase your effectiveness and positive outcomes when working with clients who have issues related to trauma and PTSD by implementing this affordable and easy-to-facilitate program. Item: 3320
Online Price: $355.00
MethamphetamineIts History, Pharmacology, and Treatment Written for professionals and serious lay readers by nationally recognized experts, Methamphetamine is a thoroughly researched and highly readable book on the medical, social, and political issues concerning this impactful drug. Item: 3923
Price: Online Price: $22.45 |
Group Treatment for Substance Abuse-2nd EdA Stages-of-Change Therapy Manual The leading manual on group-based treatment of substance use disorders, this highly practical book is grounded in the transtheoretical model and emphasizes the experiential and behavioral processes of change. Item: 2821
Online Price: $45.00
How to Start a Double Trouble in Recovery Group with USBA Guide for Professionals Enhance your professional and peer-leader training with this unique Hazelden program that helps you advocate for clients who want to start and run a Double Trouble in Recovery self-help group -- the only evidence-based peer support group for people with co-occurring disorders. Item: 3868
Online Price: $20.95
The Family Recovery ProgramA Professional's Guide for Treating Families of Alcoholics and Addicts, Second Edition The Family Recovery Program details a structured, evidence-based approach to working with the families of addicts. Grounded in the Twelve Step Facilitation model, The Family Recovery Program is an ideal component to Hazelden Publishing's Twelve Step Facilitation program. Item: 4886
Online Price: $79.95
Older Adults in TreatmentAfter Treatment - A Right to Recovery This pamphlet suggests that older adults share some common history, values, and concerns toward alcoholism and addiction that must be acknowledged before successful recovery can begin. Item: 5137
Online Price: $3.95
Using a Brief Intervention to Motivate Clients to Get HelpA How to Manual for Professionals Empower people to seek treatment for their addiction or mental health disorder with this evidence-based brief intervention. Item: 3844
Online Price: $49.00
A Clinician's Guide to Methamphetamines with CE TestDeveloped from Matrix Institute and UCLA's Integrated Substance Abuse Program A Clinician's Guide to Methamphetamine includes detailed screening, assessment and brief intervention, the latest information and strategies on the effective treatment of methamphetamine-use disorders. Endorsed by NAADAC, this program also includes a test worth ten (10) continuing education hours. Item: 3557
Online Price: $95.95
Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Change without CE Hours TestIntegrating Best Practices for Substance Abuse Professionals Learn how to take clients from precontemplation to contemplation by employing motivational interviewing. Item: 7393
Online Price: $36.95
A Guide for Living with PTSD DVDPerspective for Professionals and Their Clients This 56 minute video educates clinicians, clients, and families on the history, epidemiology, challenges, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Item: 3358
Online Price: $215.00
Hierarchy of Recovery Facilitator's GuideHierarchy of Recovery provides a measuring tool based on Abraham Masclow's hierarchy of needs and created by a leading treatment provider. Item: 1945
Online Price: $16.95
Prescription PainkillersHistory, Pharmacology, and Treatment The definitive book on the impact of prescription painkiller abuse on individuals, communities, and society by one of America's leading experts on addiction. Item: 7936
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Adolescent Drug Abuse Curriculum with DVDThe Clinical Innovators Series Dr. Liddle discusses the multiple factors that contribute to the development of adolescent substance abuse, its accompanying emotional and behavioral problems, focusing on a type of therapy called Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) Item: 2752
Online Price: $225.00
Moyers on Addiction DVD Professional SeriesClose to Home Collection Bill Moyers hosts this five-part DVD series that discloses the shattering realities of active addiction and reveals the redemptive power of life in recovery. Investigates various approaches to successfully changing addictive behavior. Item: 7969
Online Price: $399.95
Women and Addiction A Gender Responsive Approach Curriculum with DVDThe Clinical Innovators Series Stephanie Covington, PhD, a pioneer in gender-responsive treatment, shows you how to create effective recovery services for women and girls. Item: 2907
Online Price: $225.00
Dare To LeadBrave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts In her #1 New York Times bestsellers, Brené Brown has taught us what it means to dare greatly, rise strong, and brave the wilderness. Now, based on new research conducted with leaders, change makers, and culture shifters', she's showing us how to put those ideas into practice so we can step up and lead. Item: 9139
Price: Online Price: $25.20 |
TSF for Clinicians CE TestHazelden Professional Education Earn CE credits by taking the paper test for Twelve Step Facilitation therapy and help clients achieve abstinence from alcohol and foster commitment to participate in AA. Item: 4143
Online Price: $265.00
TSF for CliniciansHazelden Professional Education An online educational program proven to increase clinician's skills in implementing Twelve Step Facilitation therapy. Includes posttest worth 25 CEs. Item: 4146
Online Price: $415.00