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All Products > Recovery Support > Twelve Steps
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps DVDThis video is a component of A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Program and is also available as a stand-alone item to enhance your existing program. The video portrays the safe, nurturing, and empowering environment that is essential in order for women and girls to heal from addiction. Item: 7543
Online Price: $265.00
The Golden Books Set of 14The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7440
Price: Online Price: $69.95 |
King Baby Pkg of 10Discusses the King Baby personality -- the childish ego traits seen in people who have reached adulthood without acquiring emotional maturity -- a self-centeredness common to alcoholics and addicts. Item: 536810
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 2 AA Coming to Believe Pkg of 10This pamphlet covers AA's Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity," highlighting the Step's importance and challenges, as well as what the spiritual nature of the program can mean to different people. Item: 125810
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 3 AA Making a Decision Pkg of 10This pamphlet covers AA's Step Three: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." It goes into the obstacles that many find to making that decision, as well as how to overcome them. Item: 131010
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Detaching with Love Pkg of 10For Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. 1 package of 10 pamphlets. Item: 126110
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 6 AA Being Ready Pkg of 10In preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 129610
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 11 AA Partnership With Your Higher Power Pkg of 10This pamphlet examines Step Eleven, "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out," which is vital to recovery. Item: 129110
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 7 AA Asking Humbly Pkg of 10In preparing to take Step Seven, "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings," it may be hard to believe that our shortcomings can be taken away. Yet we only need ask; the rest is up to our Higher Power. This pamphlet also explains what it means to be humble. Item: 126010
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 10 AA Maintaining Your New Life Pkg of 10This pamphlet details how and why to do the work of Step Ten, "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Through the discipline of daily inventory, we learn to protect and strengthen our recovery. Item: 126210
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 5 AA Telling Your Story Pkg of 10In preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 127510
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 9 AA Repairing the Past Pkg of 10This pamphlet shows us how to get started on Step Nine, "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." It suggests ways to make amends--what we must do to mend our relationships successfully. Item: 129010
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 8 AA Preparing for Change Pkg of 10This pamphlet details how and why to do the work of Step Ten, "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Through the discipline of daily inventory, we learn to protect and strengthen our recovery. You've already conducted your moral inventory in Step Four to settle with the past. The Tenth Step self-examination... Item: 131410
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Step 12 AA Carry the Message Pkg of 10This pamphlet covers AA's Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity," highlighting the Step's importance and challenges, as well as what the spiritual nature of the program can mean to different people. Item: 128010
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Pocket Power CollectionOne of Hazelden's most popular series. Offers quick and inspiring recovery references. Item: 0995
Price: Online Price: $35.95 |
A Man's WorkbookA Program for Treating Addiction A Man's Workbook is for recording experiences during the Helping Men Recover program. It helps clients to reflect on and remember what they learn, think, and feel during the group sessions and as they continue to practice the skills of recovery between sessions. Item: 3960
Online Price: $31.25
Drop the Rock SetPurchase the Drop the Rock bundle and get two of the best-selling, most read recovery resources at a discount! Item: 3440
Online Price: $29.95
I Can't Be An Alcoholic Because Pkg of 10Hazelden Classics for Intervention This pamphlet offers clients a close look at common fallacies and misconceptions about alcoholism, giving them the insight they need to see their disease for what it is. Item: 134010
Price: Online Price: $29.95 |
Alcoholism a Merry-Go-Round Name Denial Pkg of 10Revised and expanded edition of this classic piece that defines the roles of the alcoholic, the enabler, the victim, and the provoker. Includes a section on adolescents and seniors. Item: 114010
Price: Online Price: $29.95 |
Hazelden 12 Step Pamphlet Revised CollectionThis popular Hazelden collection includes a pamphlet on each of the Twelve Steps. Item: 1455
Price: Online Price: $26.95 |
Betty FordCandor and Courage in the White House First Lady Betty Ford will long be remembered for her active support of the Equal Rights Amendment, her struggles with breast cancer and substance abuse, and her later involvement with the addiction treatment center that bears her name. But perhaps more than these, Betty Ford will stand as a paragon of candor and courage, an outspoken woman whose public... Item: 7697
Price: Online Price: $26.95 |
The Big Book Workbooks SetReinforce important points in the Big Book through this set of three workbooks that offer clear discussions of each Step and probing questions. Item: 0827
Price: Online Price: $22.45 |
Courage to Change HardcoverOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon II The daily meditations, reminders, and prayers from Courage to Change help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones and point to Al-Anon's impact as a vital part of recovery. Item: 3070
Online Price: $20.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps RevisedThis guide to the Twelve Steps from Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, a pioneer in the field of women's issues, addiction, and recovery, preserves the spirit of the program with a focus on healing language with women's needs in mind. Item: 1430
Online Price: $19.95
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps WorkbookWomen's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique. That's why Dr. Stephanie S. Covington has designed the A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps Workbook to help women and gender-expansive people each find their own path. Item: 1424
Online Price: $19.95
Dr Bob and Bill W SpeakAA's Cofounders Tell Their Stories Learn about the luminaries behind one of the greatest social movements of our time through the never-before-published recordings, letters, and stories found in this intimate multimedia retrospective. Item: 3987
Price: Online Price: $19.75 |
Back to BasicsThe Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners Meetings If you're new to AA, have just become a new sponsor, or simply want to reinvigorate your recovery program, Back to Basics will guide you through the Twelve Steps anew. Based on the content and flow of the earliest AA Beginners' Meetings in the 1940s, this guide conducts you through the Twelve Steps in four one-hour sessions. Item: 7382
Online Price: $18.00
The Eye Opener HardcoverA recovery basic since 1967, this daily meditation book offers timeless insight into AA philosophy. Item: 1020
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
A Woman's Guide to RecoveryWritten by Brenda Iliff, Director of the Hazelden Women's Recovery Center If you are a woman who has found the courage to start down the road of recovery, this book, written by the executive director of Hazelden in Naples (and former director of the Hazelden Women's Recovery Center), explains how you can live a life "beyond your wildest dreams." Its pages are filled with expert advice, caring support, and personal... Item: 2460
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps Updated and ExpandedThe Classic Guide for All People in the Process of Recovery Renowned addiction expert and best-selling author Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., brings readers a personal portal to the wisdom of the Twelve Steps. Item: 2558
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
Living the Twelve Traditions in Todays WorldPrinciples Before Personalities A gripping exploration of the history of the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and their relevance and applicability today. Item: 4174
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
La mujer y su práctica de los Doce Pasos (A Womans Way through the Twelve Steps Spanish)ESTE ES UN LIBRO para quienes "lo han probado todo¿ con el fin de que sus seres queridos logren la sobriedad (desde regaños y reclamos, hasta súplicas y sobornos, e incluso el distanciamiento), sin éxito. This guide to the Twelve Steps from Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, a pioneer in the field of women's issues, addiction, and recovery, preserves the... Item: 2680
La mujer y su práctica de los Doce Pasos, Libro de ejercicios (A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Workbook Spanish)La recuperación de las mujeres puede diferir de la de los hombres, y la recuperación de cada persona es única en muchos sentidos. Es por eso que la Dra. Stephanie S. Covington ha diseñado el Libro de trabajo El camino de las mujeres a través de los Doce Pasos para ayudar a las mujeres y a las personas de género expansivo a encontrar su propio camino.... Item: 2700
Twenty Four Hours a Day Softcover (24 Hours)Meditations A mainstay in recovery literature, "the little black book" is the first and foremost meditation book for anyone practicing the Twelve Steps of AA. Millions of copies sold. Item: 5093
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
A Program for YouA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living This celebration of the basic text of Twelve Step recovery breathes new life into the Big Book's timeless wisdom. Thoroughly annotated, written with down-to-earth humor and simplicity, and providing a contemporary context for understanding, A Program for You helps us experience the same path of renewal that Bill W. and the first one hundred AA members... Item: 5122
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
The Twelve Step Prayer Book, Third Edition, CompiledA Collection of Inspirational Daily Readings The newly compiled 12 Step Prayer Book offers adapted and traditional prayers to complement any Twelve Step program or any mindful recovery experience. Collected and compiled from varied authors, faiths, and lifestyles, these prayers of strength and healing will give you a thought for each day. These are the faithful words of the world. Item: 3734
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Today I Will Do One ThingDaily Readings for Awareness and Hope A groundbreaking meditation book for people in addiction recovery also suffering from a co-occurring disorder, Today I Will Do One Thing offers a simple blueprint for positive problem solving and the insights needed for positive change. Item: 1400
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Sought Through Prayer and MeditationWisdom from the Sunday 11th Step Meetings at the Wolfe Street Center in Little Rock This special book offers fifty-two weeks of reflections, prayers, and meditations on the Eleventh Step. Crafted by writer William G. Borchert from notes by Geno W. on the Hour of Power meetings at the Wolfe Street Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Item: 7383
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
If You Want What We HaveSponsorship Meditations Written as conversations between sponsor and sponsee, these daily meditations explore the concerns, dilemmas, and struggles involved every day in recovery. Item: 5669
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Betty A Glad AwakeningIn this candid and moving memoir, former First Lady Betty Ford shares her experience, understanding, and hope so that others can discover that alcoholism and drug addiction need not rob them of their lives. Item: 6021
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Steps 1-5 for Young Adults Workbook CollectionYoung People in Recovery Help guide young people through the process of self-examination and the first five Steps. Item: 0828
Online Price: $16.95
A Sober Mom's Guide to RecoveryTaking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Your Kids Recovering from an addiction is tough enough, but when you throw in the tremendous responsibilities of motherhood, resisting cravings and remaining abstinent--much less enjoying the rewards of sobriety--can seem like an impossible challenge. Item: 7938
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Drop the Rock Second EditionRemoving Character Defects - Steps Six and Seven Based on the principles behind Steps Six and Seven, Drop the Rock combines personal stories, practical advice, and powerful insights to help readers move forward in recovery. Item: 4291
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Drop the Rock--The Ripple EffectUsing Step 10 to Work Steps 6 and 7 Every Day Fred H. reveals Step 10 as the natural culmination of working the previous Steps. Item: 9743
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Stools and Bottles HardcoverA Study of Character Defects Vivid description of Steps One through Three and the character defects of Step Four. Based on the "Stool and Bottle" talk given years ago by the author of The Little Red Book. Item: 1040
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
A Man's Way through the Twelve StepsThis groundbreaking book offers men in recovery the tools they need to work through key issues with which they commonly struggle, including difficulty admitting powerlessness, finding connection with a Higher Power, letting go of repressed anger and resentment, contending with sexual issues, and overcoming barriers to intimacy and meaningful relationships.... Item: 4734
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Twelve Step SponsorshipHow It Works The first truly comprehensive look at sponsorship. Includes sections on finding a sponsor, being a sponsor, and guiding your sponsee through each of the Twelve Steps. Item: 1577
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Twelve Step ChristianityThe Christian Roots & Application of the Twelve Steps As a Christian who practices the Steps, Saul Selby brings teaches Christians in recovery to connect their faith with their program--and shows any Christian a clear path to a more intimate relationship with Christ. Item: 1021
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
The Soul of SponsorshipThe Friendship of Fr. Ed Dowling, S.J. and Bill Wilson in Letters The Soul of Sponsorship will illuminate how Father Ed Dowling, an Irish Catholic Jesuit priest who was not an alcoholic, was able to be of such great help to Bill Wilson. Item: 1130
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Mindfulness and the 12 StepsLiving Recovery in the Present Moment With the artistry of a memoirist, Thérèse Jacobs-Stewart draws on her personal story and an impressive range of knowledge in psychology, spirituality, and the Twelve Steps to show us the way out of the morass of pain and confusion that addiction creates. Item: 2862
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
12 Stupid Things That Mess Up RecoveryAvoiding Relapse through Self-Awareness and Right Action Learn the twelve most common beliefs and attitudes that sabotage our recovery--and understand the tools needed to help overcome these obstacles in our daily lives. Item: 3001
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
EbbyThe Man Who Sponsored Bill W. The story of the life-long friendship between Ebby Thatcher and Bill Willson. A fascinating history of the formative years of AA, as well as the bittersweet tale of the troubled man Bill W. always referred to as "my sponsor." Item: 5699
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
A Gentle Path through the Twelve PrinciplesLiving the Values Behind the Steps, By the best-selling author of the recovery classic A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps Renowned addiction expert Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., author of A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps, outlines twelve guiding principles to help those in recovery develop an essential skill set for life. Item: 2557
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Harry TieboutThe Collected Writings Harry M. Tiebout was one of the first psychiatrists to describe alcoholism as a disease rather than a moral failing or criminal activity. This volume brings together, for the first time, some of Tiebout's most influential writings. Item: 1119
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Bill W SoftcoverThe absorbing and deeply moving life story of Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous The story of Bill W., a stirring spiritual odyssey through triumph, failure, and rebirth, with vital meaning for men and women in recovery around the world. Item: 1118
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Young Sober and Free Second EditionExperience, Strength, and Hope for Young Adults Real teens tell the real story about getting sober and staying sober in this edgy, winning interpretation of the Twelve Steps. Author Shelly Marshall lets teens speak for themselves, while expertly augmenting their stories with discussions about time-honored Twelve Step principles. Item: 2016
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Practicing the Here and NowBeing Intentional with Step 11 How do we unlock and experience the teachings of Step Eleven? Herb K. helps us realize that working--and living--this vital recovery "maintenance Step" doesn't have to be as much of a challenge as commonly thought. Item: 8996
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
101 Meeting StartersA Guide to Better Twelve Step Discussions Help prevent Twelve Step meetings from getting sidetracked by irrelevant topics, dominant speakers, or other distractions by using any of the 101 thought-provoking topics offered in this one-of-a-kind book by Mel B. Item: 2349
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
UndrunkA Skeptics Guide to AA In this unprecedented book, A. J. Adams uses self-deprecating humor, entertaining anecdotes, and frank descriptions to introduce anyone who "just doesn't get" Alcoholics Anonymous to the complete "Undrunk" lifestyle. Item: 2944
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Courage To Change SoftcoverThe Christian Roots of the Twelve-Step Movement The writings of the Reverend Sam Shoemaker, Episcopal minister, are examined in this volume in the light of their contribution to the principles of Twelve Step recovery. Item: 1039
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
If You Work It, It WorksThe Science Behind 12 Step Recovery Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D. calls upon the most up-to-date research, teamed with the critical work he did on Project Match, an eight-year multi-site research study proving the efficacy of Twelve Step Facilitation, to build a compelling case as to why working the Steps provides predictable and successful outcomes Item: 7764
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Twelve Steps for OvereatersAn Interpretation of the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous The author of the popular Food for Thought takes a fresh, in-depth look at the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous. Each chapter carefully examines and interprets each of the individual Steps. Item: 5162
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Today's GiftDaily Meditations for Families The readings in Today's Gift nurture self-esteem by encouraging discussion, self-expression, and respect. They feature insightful, challenging, and caring quotations from ancient proverbs, nursery rhymes, and cartoon characters, as well as important public figures that are familiar to all generations of the family. Item: 1031
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Find Your LightPracticing Mindfulness to Recover from Anything Author Beverly Conyers--one of the most respected voices in wellness and recovery--has guided hundreds of thousands of readers through the process of recognizing family roles in addiction, healing shame, building healthy relationships, releasing trauma, focusing on emotional sobriety, as well as acknowledging self-sabotaging behaviors, addictive tendencies,... Item: 3591
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Plain Language Big BookA Tool for Reading Alcoholics Anonymous The Plain Language Big Book covers the core content of the "abridged version" (the edition without personal stories) of the original Big Book and is written in simpler language to support readers in their recovery. Item: 2340
Online Price: $14.95
A Young Man's Guide to Self Mastery WorkbookA Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery is an invaluable resource for practitioners in mental health clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and residential and outpatient facilities who are working with adolescents who have a masculine experience of the world. Item: 1093
Online Price: $14.95
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Large PrintLarge Print Edition Twelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 3860
Online Price: $14.95
The Twelve Steps and Dual DisordersA Framework of Recovery for Those of Us with Addiction and an Emotional or Psychiatric Illness A gentle, spiritual, and supportive approach to strengthening recovery from co-occurring disorders. Item: 1519
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Walk the Talk with Step 12Staying Sober through Service The culmination of all of the steps, Step 12 calls on each of us to complete our transformation from a self-centered existence fueled by addiction to one of joy and freedom through service to others. In Walk the Talk with Step 12 Gary K. explores the the history of Step 12 and redefines what it means to practice this critical step in modern times. Item: 9896
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Three Simple RulesUncomplicating Life in Recovery If sobriety were easy, everybody who wanted to be sober would be. The reality is that making life changes is hard--and everything seems more complicated when addiction or alcoholism is in the mix. The good news is that if we truly want to have meaningful lives, there are just three things we need to focus on. Trust God. Clean house. Help others. Item: 3655
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Al-Anon's Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions HardcoverA must-have book for any family members in Al-Anon. Item: 3200
Online Price: $14.00
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions SoftcoverTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 2081
Online Price: $13.95
Doce Pasos y Doce Tradiciones (Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Spanish)Los grupos de Doce Pasos de todo el mundo se basan en los Doce Pasos y Doce Tradiciones, el texto básico sobre el estilo de vida y las tradiciones de A.A. mediante las cuales mantiene su unidad. Un libro clásico desde 1952. Item: 2082
Online Price: $13.95
The Little Red Book SoftcoverThis is the original study guide to the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Filled with practical information for those first days of sober living. Item: 1034
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
The 12 Steps UnpluggedA Young Person's Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous In this simple and often funny guide, the author interprets the philosophies and stories of the Big Book in straightforward language that speaks to regular people. John will help you connect with the basic messages of getting honest with yourself, accepting the help of others, and finding a relevant spiritual support. Item: 4893
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Recovery Greeting Cards Set of 6Each scenic greeting card in this set of six features natural scenery with a special recovery message inside. Item: 4844
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Serenity Greeting Cards Set of 6These colorful greeting cards deliver the perfect message to give to your sponsor or sponsee. Item: 4779
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Un dÃa a la vez para Jugadores Anónimos, tapa blanda (A Day At a Time Gamblers Anonymous Softcover) SpanishGamblers Anonymous Un dÃa a la vez es una herramienta de recuperación esencial para los jugadores compulsivos, con reflexiones y oraciones diarias que ofrecen esperanza, apoyo y orientación durante todo el año. Item: 4735
Online Price: $12.95
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions HardcoverTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 2080
Price: Online Price: $11.99 |
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Pocket EditionTwelve Step groups around the world rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions>/i>, the basic text regarding the AA way of life and the traditions by which AA maintains its unity. A classic since 1952. Item: 2083
Online Price: $11.95
Things My Sponsors Taught MeA sensible, effective, and practical recovery tool featuring the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous, quotes, slogans, and down-to-earth sponsor advice. Item: 5155
Price: Online Price: $11.65 |
A Good First StepA First Step Workbook for Twelve Step Programs Using a structured format, this booklet helps clients in early treatment take Step One. Item: 7615
Price: Online Price: $10.75 |
Life Recovery Bible WorkbookA Biblical Guide through the 12 Steps This companion workbook to The Life Recovery Bible will help you discover how the Scriptures reveal the pathway to wholeness: God's program of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. Item: 7737
Online Price: $9.99
Awakening Blackout GirlA Survivor's Guide for Healing from Addiction and Sexual Trauma In this honest and practical guide, rape survivor and victim advocate Jennifer Storm shares the information, tools, and resources she has gained from more than twenty years of personal and professional experience to help fellow survivors recover from co-occurring sexual trauma and substance use. Item: 4963
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Blackout GirlTracing My Scars from Addiction and Sexual Assault In this brutally honest and compelling memoir, Jennifer Storm revisits the trauma of her childhood rape and ensuing addiction and how she channeled her pain into a healing life of advocacy. Item: 3737
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Step UpUnpacking Steps One, Two, and Three with Someone Who's Been There Twelve Step programs can sometimes be intimidating. Before you walk into that meeting, you want to know the scoop and what it's really like to work a Twelve Step recovery program. Graubart honestly addresses the most common questions about the Twelve Step fellowship. As someone who's been where you are today, he shows you what it's like to not only maintain... Item: 3411
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Just DandyLiving with Heartache and Wishes Through her child's addiction, a divorce, beginning a career at sixty, caring for aging parents, and facing her own old age alone, Sandra Swenson shares her heartache and her journey of courage, resiliency, and acceptance, inspiring us to believe that no matter what comes our way, it is possible to say we're "just dandy" and (usually) mean... Item: 3728
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Living with Your Higher PowerA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living, A Workbook for Steps 1-3 The first of three practical and highly accessible workbooks for early recovery, this resource takes you through the foundation Steps as described in the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. The exercises guide you to a personal understanding of the powerlessness of addiction and the necessity of a Higher Power to your recovery. Item: 5421
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Living with YourselfA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living, A Workbook for Steps 4-7 The second of three Hazelden workbooks that explore all Twelve Steps, Living with Yourself guides you to an understanding of yourself and the aspects of your beliefs and behavior that have caused chaos in your life and separated you from your Higher Power--and how the damage can be repaired and prevented from recurring. Item: 5422
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Living With OthersA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living Steps 8-12 An excellent resource for exploring Steps Eight through Twelve, this workbook helps us fully understand the power of living with others in harmony and working a daily spiritual program. Item: 5423
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Recovery NowA Basic Text for Today Recovery Now combines the most current research with the timeless wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other established Twelve-Step program guides to offer an accessible basic text written in today's language for anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Item: 4265
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Finding a Home GroupA Guide to Choosing the Right Twelve Step Meeting for You For newcomers and experienced Twelve Steppers alike, this valuable guidebook will guide you in finding the right home group so you can make the most of your meetings. Item: 3858
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
The 12 Steps to HappinessA Practical Handbook For Understanding And Working The Twelve Step Programs For Alcoholism, Codependency, Eating Disorders And Other Addictions Many of us working the Twelve Steps may sometimes wonder, "Am I really working my program to the fullest?" In this expanded edition of his classic handbook, author Joe Klaas breaks down the language of each Step and explains the resistance and misunderstandings that may arise. Item: 6244
Price: Online Price: $7.19 |
Step 4 AA Getting HonestThis pamphlet provides guidelines for completing AA's Step Four: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." The exercises included can help people recovering from addiction draw up an honest and effective personal inventory. Item: 1284
Online Price: $4.95
GrandiosityFor People In Twelve Step Recovery This pamphlet explains how grandiosity, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, compromises a person's recovery. It offers practical advice on ways to manage grandiosity. Item: 1312
Online Price: $4.95
Letting Go of PerfectionismThis pamphlet describes how perfectionism hinders our growth in recovery. It suggests using the Twelve Steps to let go of inflexible and uncompromising attitudes, and to embrace the imperfections of being human. Item: 1283
Online Price: $4.95
Getting Involved in AAFormerly titled Transition from Treatment to A.A. This pamphlet describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explains how it helps individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder. It offers valuable information on how to get involved in the program. Item: 1428
Online Price: $4.95
How Drugs Affect the BrainFor Understanding Addiction This pamphlet explains how alcohol and other drugs affect the way messages are transmitted between brain cells and eventually change the reward pathway. It also outlines how brain research shows that long-term substance use changes the brain. Item: 1255
Online Price: $4.95
Getting Involved in NAGoing to your first NA meeting is easier when you know something about the organization before you go. This pamphlet explains how NA helps people in recovery, what happens at a meeting, how the organization functions, some concerns about NA, and how NA welcomes people. Item: 1441
Online Price: $4.95
Step 2 AA Coming to BelieveThis pamphlet covers AA's Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity," highlighting the Step's importance and challenges, as well as what the spiritual nature of the program can mean to different people. Item: 1258
Online Price: $4.95
An Index to Alcoholics Anonymous 4th EditionThis index is intended to help readers find terms throughout the fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, otherwise known as the "Big Book." Item: 1278
Online Price: $4.95
Step 3 AA Making a DecisionThis pamphlet covers AA's Step Three: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." It goes into the obstacles that many find to making that decision, as well as how to overcome them. Item: 1310
Online Price: $4.95
Detaching With LoveFor Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. Item: 1261
Online Price: $4.95
Step 9 AA Repairing the PastThis pamphlet shows us how to get started on Step Nine, "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." It suggests ways to make amends--what we must do to mend our relationships successfully. Item: 1290
Online Price: $4.95
Step 8 AA Preparing for ChangeOur drinking or drug use likely caused a lot of pain. So we turn to Step Eight: "Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." This pamphlet helps us accomplish these two essential parts of recovery. Item: 1314
Online Price: $4.95
Step 5 AA Telling Your StoryIn preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 1275
Online Price: $4.95
Step 7 AA Asking HumblyIn preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 1260
Online Price: $4.95
Step 6 AA Being ReadyIn preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 1296
Online Price: $4.95
Step 12 AA Carrying the MessageThis pamphlet covers AA's Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity," highlighting the Step's importance and challenges, as well as what the spiritual nature of the program can mean to different people. Item: 1280
Online Price: $4.95
Step 10 AA Maintaining Your New LifeThis pamphlet details how and why to do the work of Step Ten, "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Through the discipline of daily inventory, we learn to protect and strengthen our recovery. Item: 1262
Online Price: $4.95
Step 11 AA Partnership With Your Higher PowerThis pamphlet examines Step Eleven, "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out," which is vital to recovery. Item: 1291
Online Price: $4.95
Step 3 for Young AdultsYoung People in Recovery Questions, examples, and personal stories guide young people through a Step of the Twelve Step program. Item: 5502
Online Price: $4.95
Step 2 For Young AdultsYoung People In Recovery Questions, examples, and personal stories guide young people through a Step of the Twelve Step program. Item: 5501
Online Price: $4.95
Step 5 for Young AdultsYoung People in Recovery Questions, examples, and personal stories guide young people through a Step of the Twelve Step program. Item: 5505
Online Price: $4.95
Guidance On Our JourneysSponsorship This pamphlet educates clients about what to look for in a sponsor. Item: 1298
Online Price: $3.95
Twelve Steps for Tobacco Users RevisedFor Recovering People Addicted to Nicotine Discover a way of changing attitudes and behavior in order to enjoy a lifestyle of long-term, tobacco-free living. Item: 1419
Online Price: $3.95
I Can't Be An Alcoholic BecauseThis pamphlet offers clients a close look at common fallacies and misconceptions about alcoholism, giving them the insight they need to see their disease for what it is. Item: 1340
Online Price: $3.95
The Benefits Of Telling Your StoryThis pamphlet describes how a truthful account of our past lays the groundwork for future recovery progress. An excellent tool for those in denial. Item: 5242
Online Price: $3.95
Surrender Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5449
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Honesty Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1336
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Humility Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1338
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Accepting Criticism Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5366
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Forgiveness Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5364
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Just for Today Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1339
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Letting Go Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5351
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Patience Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5361
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Prayer and Meditation Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5349
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Hope Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1337
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Loving Relationships Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5353
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Loneliness Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5363
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
When Doors Close Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5354
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Gratitude Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1331
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Reaching Out to Others Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5400
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Understanding Rejection Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5348
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Serenity Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5362
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |